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Buy Peak UHT Full Cream Milk 1 L on This long-life UHT whole milk is perfect for your breakfast cereal and for cooking as well. This full-fat milk has full cream and is perfect for those looking for a rich milky taste. This milk can be drank cold or at room temperature. This milk is creamy and tasty. Full fat milk contains roughly 3.5% milkfat, although this will vary by product. It has been given a bad wrap over the years but there is a growing body of evidence that suggests the nutrients and minerals contained in whole milk make it a better option than low-fat variants. It is believed that there is the good cholesterol in full cream dairy milk that can be beneficial to the body. Another advantage of full-fat milk is that because of the high-fat content, you feel fuller for longer and are less likely to go hunting for unhealthy snacks. Whole milk is rich in calcium, proteins, vitamin B2, and B12. This long-life UHT whole milk is perfect for your breakfast cereal and for cooking as well. This milk is perfect for those looking for a rich, creamy milky taste; it can be drunk cold or at room temperature. UHT milk is milk that has been ultra heat-treated at 72 degrees centigrade for 15 seconds to remove disease-causing bacteria and then cooled. This ultra-high temperature pasteurization process makes the milk mostly sterile and gives it a long shelf life as long as it is stored in aseptic packaging like tetra pack. You will avoid spoilage of the milk if it is kept in a cool and dry place and once opened, it should be refrigerated where it will last for anything from 3-10 days depending on the composition of the ingredients. If you want to find the best price of UHT whole milk in Nigeria, then this is the right place. At, you can order online and get same-day delivery in Lagos. For those who don't know where to buy full-fat milk in Nigeria, you may check supermarkets near me and local shops in your neighborhood but for convenience and peace of mind, it's better to shop online. It may be worthwhile also doing a search for grocery delivery near me to find it at a cheap rate. Friends may ask where can I get it or how much is it and once you've tried the service, you'll be able to answer all their questions and refer them to the number 1 online supermarket. is the perfect site to do your grocery shopping - low prices and huge discounts always.