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Indomie Relish is a line of Indomie Instant Noodles, offers a complete pack of noodles, which is tasty, nutritious and filling at the same time. The Relish Seafood Delight comes with protein filled Real Fish Chunks and Fish Powder, savory Seasoning Powder, Seasoning Oil and authentic Nigerian pepper. It’s a deliciously complete meal experience with real fish Chunks and fish powder, which makes it a complete meal that the youth of Nigeria crave for.
Indomie is a unique brand of Instant Noodles, loved by a majority of Nigerians. Having been in Nigeria for the last 31 years, it has grown to become a household name in Nigeria owing to its delightful taste and wholesomeness.
The brand has grown to be considered synonymous with quality, taste, and value. The range of products Indomie offers commands a substantial degree of brand loyalty and enviable “top of mind’ status amongst its consumers